Doctoral Degree Students

Ocean Engineering | Mechanical Engineering

Ocean Engineering

Almeida, Pedro Almeida, Pedro
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Siddhartha Verma
Research Area: Investigation of Multi-scale Turbulence Coupling by Goal-oriented Adaptive Surface Modulation
Base, Alexis Base, Alexis
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Aditya Nayak
Research Area: In situ Instrumentation for Biophysical Studies
Brauch, Trey Brauch, Trey
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Hassan Mahfuz
Research Area: Synthesis and Analysis of Tunable Acoustic Metamaterials
Arvan, Prakash Den Ouden, Casey
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Tsung-Chow Su & Dr. Ouyang Bing
Research Area: Aerial/Underwater Robotic Systems
Louis DeVito DeVito, Louis
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. James VanZwieten
Research Area: Development of Prediction Tools for Ocean Currents
Gonzalez, David Gonzalez, David
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Hassan Mahfuz
Research Area: Ocean Engineering Marine Materials
Kindel, Michael Kindel, Michael
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Manhar Dhanak
Research Area: Wave-Induced Motion on Submerged Bodies
Kindel, Michael Lafargue, Martin
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering 
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Siddhartha Verma
Research Area: Aeroacoustics of Turbulent Flows
Marcheggiani, Joseph Marcheggiani, Joseph
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr.Laurent Cherubin
Research Area: Low Frequency Biological Sound Source Model for Shallow Waters
Mckinney, Adriana Mckinney, Adriana
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Manhar Dhanak
Research Area: Dispersion of Aerosolized Droplets Under Workplace Measures to Mitigate Viral Transmission
Miranda, Mario Miranda, Mario
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Pierre-Philippe Beaujean
Research Area: Data Fusion of Underwater Acoustic and Electric Fields
Nair, Aishwarya Nair, Aishwarya
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Siddhartha Verma
Research Area: Bio-inspired Locomotion and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Pimentel, Hugo Pimentel, Hugo
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Manhar Dhanak
Research Area: Performance Characteristics of a Power Take-Off Device for Marine Hydrokinetic Applications
Nair, Aishwarya Santillan, Ingrid
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor:  Dr. Francisco Presuel-Moreno
Research Area:  Causes of Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel Embedded in Concrete Exposed at the Marine Atmospheric Zone
Smith, Mackenzie Smith, Mackenzie
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Oscar Curet
Research Area: Biomechanics and Hydrodynamics
Spragg, Donald Spragg, Donald
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Edgar An
Research Area: Underwater Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) for AUV Navigation
Srikanth, Ishwarya Stankovic, Radivoje
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor:  Dr. Tsung-Chow Su
Research Area: Vortex Dynamics of Draining Liquid in a Cylindrical Tank with Multiple Outlets
Vidal, Raul Vidal, Raul
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Leif Carlsson
Research Area: Scale-up effects on the Fiber/Matrix Interface Strength of Glass/Epoxy
Xu, Wenqiang Xu, Wenqiang
Doctoral Degree Student
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Tsung-Chow Su
Research Area: Autonomous SWATH Vessels for Arctic Surveillance and Computational Fluid Dynamics

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